It seems that Health Care System in Denmark has a lot of problems, which is as much as other countries have, (may be less than other country but anyways Danish Government thinks improvement at Health Care Section is needed.)
There are may projects going on around Health Care including with effective use of IT.
To my surprise, there exists half-government, half-private, fully founded by government Health Care Web Pages called,
They aimed at creating a portal for Health Care Information that connect to personal health information. So there is a scenerio. One pregnant woman needs to know how to deal with her symptom that suddenly came up to her five mintues ago. It is midnight and no way for her to call. It is not too serious to go to the emergency room. She logs in the web and check her web page where instruction her doctor made was shown. Next time, she goes to her doctor, the doctor can check that his patient refered his instruction. Information is shared not only with medical personnel but with all related people including patients.
This is another story that IT may help to human society.