I used to send letters from overseas everytime I traveled. Since I started to live in the US, I stopped this habits because of following three reasons.
1. I was busy (yes, this is just an excuse)
2. bother
3. scared...
Why scared? The post office of my area is in Liberty, where is insecure neighborhood. I had hard time to usderstand their language, (seems to be English, though) and some speak to themselves and others keep shouting. I wanted to stay away..
スウェーデンの郵便局は,poten.se とてもシンプルな内装の場所が多い.郵便局におかれているハガキや封筒は,デンマークほどではないけれど,各種そろっています.国内向けが「青」国外向けが「黄色」で封筒やポストなど色分けされていて取っても便利.郵便局では,英語通じます.困るのは複雑な説明をしたいときぐらいです.WEBページも青と黄色でまとめられていて,とてもシンプルかつ澄んだイメージ.
Swedish post office has nice atmosphere, interior is decolated in blue and yellow (Swedish color). Envelops also has two colors. Blue is for domestic, on the other hand, yellow is for international letters. Web page is also well designed so that I just spent time exploring web pages for fun.
The one question I had while checking web is in price chart. In the category called, nondenominational, not a price but number of stamps are written. Under 20gram, XXX SEK, 1 <= this is a little bit tricky. Today I found stamps with no price on, which might be the ordinary stamp Swedish always use.
Danish post office look like a little stationary store for me. There are a lot of cards, steckers, cute stamps and boxes. Danish post office reminds me my favorite stationary store near Ebisu.